TROCAS Team Access

TROCAS data and project files are currently stored in two shared Google Drives administered through the University of Washington, with shared access outside of the UW, essentially limitless storage, and easy exchange of large datasets. The links below will take you directly to the corresponding drive only if you’ve already been granted access and are logged in to your Google account with the email address provided to UW administrators:

  • TROCASdata: houses the basic core raw/processed data of the project (underway, ADCP, chemistry etc). The safety/security of this drive is of paramount importance, guarding against accidental deletion, overwriting, etc. When we are ready, this will be the basis for long-term database storage in national/international archives and global access.

  • TROCAStrabalho: houses the basic shared work areas, organized by theme.

Access to Team Google Drives

Team access provides secure entry to project data, files, etc. Team members have been granted access based on their email address, with access assigned at different levels as needed:

  • Manager: All tasks, overall control

  • Content Manager: Can do most tasks, but reduced control

  • Contributor: Can access folder contents and download, but can’t delete, move, or otherwise disturb contents.

  • Commenter: Can look at files and download, but can’t manipulate


The TROCASdata drive contains the following top-level folders:

Underway data from 8 campaigns have been processed, from April 2014 through November 2019. The core (processed to usable form by respective investigators) data are archived in TROCASdata. Additionally, data from earlier projects are included under Amazon Historico.


ADCP data includes the primary raw data 8 cruises, archival backup data, data from the measurements from Macapá , and compiled summary data. Included are:

  • MacapaADCP has the measurements made by the Macapa team outside of the Trocas cruises, mostly on the MacapaN channel, and their computations.

  • T1-T8 SonTek Data has the raw data from each measurement, organized by cruises T1-T8.

  • T1-T8 Resumos contains the computed summary data and graphs for each measurement are in (it should be emphasized that all of these are subject to re-calculation and cross-checks).

Amazon Historico

TROCAS builds on a rich legacy of past projects. Archival data are here for reference, and to provide the basis for a planned extensive space- and time series analysis of overall trends. Sub-folders include:

  • Amazon GIS Databases contains GIS information on different regions, originally as part of LBA.

  • Camrex Historical I-XIII includes the data from the 1982~1995 set of Camrex expeditions

  • CO2 Evasion’02 contains the data and calculations that went into the 2002 Nature paper.

  • FLW Archive includes early figures and presentations (from the ancient graphics program Freelance).

  • LBA DIS includes data submitted to the LBA Data and Information System (incomplete).

  • Amazon RBR. The “Rede Beija Rio” (RBR) network was part of LBA, where a series of stations across the basin were monitored for pCO2 and related parameters, to extend spatial coverage.


GPS contains the data from the multiple GPS logs, central to geolocations

  • GPS Working Logs contains the different logs from the different sources organized by cruise.

  • GPS Finalized consists of the edited/merged records for TROCAS cruises 1 (T1) through 8 (T8) here, where each cruise is organized into tracks and waypoints.


ANA Hidroweb (Agência Nacional das Águas) maintains an extensive gauging network across Brazil, with stations in the Amazon. These are invaluable reference data, starting with Óbidos. Their data system has undergone much evolution over time and is now available via Hidroweb.

  • Archive has historical records

  • Hidroweb’19 has data through 2019 for the mainstem at Óbidos and Macapá (stage) and the main tributary stations. These are being updated (these must be updated).


Modeling is a primary user of data and a generator of information. Data includes/will include the bases of modeling, from overall modeling background, the earlier applications of the VIC efforts, leading up to the core SisBaHiA work.

  • Amazon Modeling includes the basis of the first generation of using the VIC modeling for the overall basin, back to Daniel Victoria’s work, and then the effort to use the higher resolution DHSVM model for the JiParana basin.

  • Model R&D includes past references and thoughts on what directions might work.

  • SisBaHiA works towards having the overall data setup and details necessary to run the modeling efforts, from propagating a parcel of water to the chemical reactions occurring.


Chemistry data are portioned into multiple categories, from 13C isotopes, to organics, including:

  • 13C POC_DOC contains the isotopic data for POC and DOC, with data produced from several different sources.

  • Fluxos includes the water-to-air flux data (outgassing), from the field measurements, from the flux chambers (camaras) for the mainstem and for the Tocantins

  • Macapá Quimica includes chemistry data from the cruises reported below, but also separate by Alan et al separate from the cruises.

  • Planilhas contains the fundamental chemistry data.

  • Arquivo has iterations and updates of field data:

  • Planilha Atualizada is the latest processed data. Work is necessary to bring this up-to-date.

  • Respiracoes includes the incubator and BOD data.

  • Sedimentos Ciclos has the dedicated sampling profiles over the tidal cycle, as well as routine data. An overall objective is to combine the ADCP data with the cruise TSS data, to enable more accurate calculations of export.

  • Units is simply the beginning of a folder to inform about units, and especially the conversion between units.

  • UWOrgosO18 includes the data collected primarily by UW people on organics and isotopes.

Sensorimento Remoto

Primary remote sensing spectral data are currently held at INPE.

TROCAS Fotos e Imagems

Many photos, movies, images, and presentations have been taken over the course of the projects.

Underway Data

A significant project effort was invested in collecting and processing the underway data from the Exosonde, Licor, Picarro, and multiple GPS instruments. The processing required to merge and analyze these data streams is described in the Data Browser page.


This space is intended to be the working, collaborative arena for working with the data to develop papers. Data from the (secure) TROCASdata could be copied here, for joint processing.